Give Our Returning Heroes A Second Chance To Be First In Line

The Mesothelioma and Asbestos Awareness is recognized by DisabilityInfo.gov as a reliable source of information for veterans and members of the military community.

Project Sanctuary provides therapeutic retreats enabling military families to reconnect and reintegrate into their communities through education, innovative services and supportive follow through. Of the hundreds of families served through our program so far, 90% are still married; all servicemen and women who want to work have a job, and we happily report NO SUICIDES. Our program works.
Military Support Services
We are building this page, to make our veterans aware of these valuable services. It is our hope that many of our veterans and wounded warriors will be able to utilize these services to help ease the transition back into a civilian life style. To our vets, we have been able to help with a phone call or a letter in the past we we were requested to do so. If you feel we can be of help to you, please feel free to contact OSA. We are always willing help "if" we can, depending on the situation.
- Blaine P. Ducote Sr.
Founder OSA |

To provide a free, first-class rural retreat for America's seriously wounded warriors and their families to reconnect and recover.
Operation Soldier Assist truly appreciates the work that Boulder Crest is doing for our seriously wounded warriors and their families. We hope that you will let others know about Boulder Crest Retreat. You can watch a video here: Bolder Crest PSA |

Our Forgotten Warriors The mission of Our Forgotten Warriors (OFW) is to help struggling soldiers and veterans reintegrate into their communities, through the coordination of vital services and direct financial assistance.
OSA it thankful for the assistance that OFW offers, not many others care and support our warriors like OFW. |
This is your one-stop resource for all of the video and print materials associated with the Real Warriors Campaign. These powerful materials were developed to combat the stigma associated with seeking psychological health care and treatment and encourage service members to increase their awareness and use of these resources. Put them to work for you! |
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This is a official army site and requires you to approve site exception if your browse. It may list as an unsafe or unrecognized site, in firefox! It is SAFE! |

Penny and Lt. Col. Tony Monetti are eager to circuit military installations and organizations globally to share their riveting, humorous, and tenderhearted stories of faith to encourage families to overcome the unique stressors that military life imposes. Lieutenant Colonel Tony Monetti (USAF Ret.) Former director of Operations of the 13th Bomb Squadron at Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, is an Air Force Academy graduate, a combat veteran Command Pilot of the B-52 and B-1 planes, and presently flies the B-2 stealth bomber. His honors include the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal. |